CMO Alert: Facebook Overestimates Video Viewing Time By 60-80%


Istanbul, Turkey - September 18, 2015: Apple Iphone 6 screen with social media applications of Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Periscope while a male finger is about to touch on Facebook app.

In case you may have missed it, it recently came to light that for two years Facebook had been overestimating the average viewing time for video ads on their platform. This was disclosed in a post on Facebook’s “Advertiser Help Center”, stating the mistake and highlighting that they would be introducing a new metric to fix this problem and prevent it from happening in the future.

It’s been said that the average time spent watching videos could have been overestimated between 60% and 80%. This has upset many marketers, media buyers, and agencies, as it translates to figures reported back to clients that are potentially inaccurate. Facebook apologized, and stated that the “error has been fixed” and that “it did not impact billing”.


You may find more about the original story from The Wall Street Journal.


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